
We're a Family Now!

On Wednesday July 14th I had a scheduled 39 week check up with my midwife.
Jeremy went off to work and I stayed home waiting for my braxton hicks contractions, that had been going on for 2 days, to turn into something more. Work could see Jeremy was a nervous wreck and sent him home. We went walking to get things going. I tried to move my appointment up but, they were pretty booked.
Finally 5:30 pm we show up to the midwife with my mom in tow. She checked me and I was 3cm dialted. So, she manipulated my cervix a bit and sent me home saying I would be back in the middle of the night. She left me with these instructions:
Sleep, Eat, Drink Water, Soak in the tub.

Well, my contractions grew much stronger and that car ride back was intense. When we got home I wanted to follow only one instruction, sleep. But, my contractions grew stronger when I laid down. I asked Jeremy to run a bath and the next thing I knew my water broke!

Back to the midwife we went. Baby was posterior which caused some very painful contractions with hardly any break between them. They got me in the tub and before I knew it I felt the urge to push! They checked me again thinking it couldn't be. But, sure enouogh I was fully dialated and the head was already coming down. Babies heartrate dropped dangerously low. I had to get out of the tub and have my baby "on land". My midwife didn't make it in time for my birth. But, the backup midwife was on hand and telling me to push push push even when I wasn't even having a contraction!

Finally I pushed my baby out! I asked what it was...but, they couldn't even tell me because what it was, was in danger. There was no sweet baby first cry. The cord was double wrapped around it's neck and it wasn't breathing. Finally they told me I had a boy. So, that I could encourage him to breath. "C'mon Logan, breathe for mommy baby boy. C'mon baby boy....pllllleaaase?" It was the hardest 4 minutes of my entire life! But, finally I heard the sweetest sound.. my babies first cry.

Our baby Logan James Betts is here!!!


  1. Great start to a family blog! I LOVE the title.

  2. Thanks!! I also want to get a license plate frame made that says that! Tee hee
