
Logans 2nd....and FINAL cast

After spending one week in his cast to better position his foot, it was to be removed before his next appointment. This removal was to be done at home. I was nervous about it, but as you can see in the picture here I had a worse time then he did. I breastfed him right before the removal so, he was pretty passed out when it started. The cast was made of fiberglass and easily peeled off. The difference before being casted and after the 1st cast was crazy. His foot looked almost totally normal. It did stink a little and there were some sore spots where the skin was folded.
  He didn't start to get upset until I had to remove the layer closest to his skin and the cotton that was in between the cast and his skin.
I just knew we would have good news at our second appointment.
We were told that this would most likely be his last cast!

We decided since this would be the last cast we would decorate it for him. Daddy wrote Weapon X on there and I drew a heart with 'Mom' in it like a tattoo. Ahmama also wrote, "Ahmama loves you" on his cast.

After his 2nd cast was removed and we went in for his next appointment we were indeed told that he would, at this point, need NO FURTHER TREATMENT! They asked us to return at 6-12 months and again at 2-3 years. We sure did get lucky. I started crying in the doctors office and he said "awww, are you okay?" "Tears of joy" Jeremy said, "She's crying tears of joy." and I was.

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