
After Birth

When the relief of hearing that first cry sunk in I sure wanted to hold my baby boy. But, other than the cord being wrapped around his neck there was meconium in his lungs. They kept listening for them to clear up. The next thing I knew there were a stream of firemen coming in my room! I heard the midwife fill them in. I asked if I could hold him. They told me I could but, the next thing I knew he was off in an ambulance with daddy.

I had to stay at the birthing center to be checked out and my heart ached so bad to hold my baby boy in my arms. Jeremy told me later that on the hospital ride the firemen were telling him "Don't worry man... we have kids... we're gonna save your son.. don't worry. We got him..".

After being stitched up (don't even get me started on that! Ouch!) and given a shot for hemorrhaging I FINALLY got to go to the hospital. I couldn't stop crying thinking about how badly I wanted to see him...my SON!

The moment I held him in my arms...I knew, he was the most beautiful baby I'd ever seen. And I knew, I would do anything for him. I opened up his blanket to peak at his clubfeet. I couldn't believe what I saw, "These don't look bad at all!" I said looking around the room for confirmation. Everyone said they same thing, "..yea, they look way better than I expected..". It was an unbelievable relief.

The hospital wanted to keep him overnight. But, then his protein in his blood count was 41 normal for a newborn is 0-3. So, there was definitely a problem with infection. We ended up having to stay at the hospital for 7 days! The one positive in that was I got a lot of advice from the nurses and the lactation consultant really helped Logan I get going strong on breastfeeding.

My little man was sure a talk of the nurses. They said he was one of the loudest/crankiest babies they'd ever seen. I told them they'd be cranky too if someone was poking them, and pumping antibiotics into their system every 4-6 hours! Towards the end Logan was being such a champ with the meds. Some of the pediatricians really got me upset, saying I needed to be giving him formula. But, guess what? Never did. Nope. All my baby ever had was momma's milk. His infection improved and although he had a bit of juandice it wasn't considered bad.

Finally we got to strap our baby boy into his car seat and bring him home!

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