
A Boy and His Dog

Jab was so very excited when we brought his boy home! He gets up at night with him and he has to touch his nose to his body every morning as he wags his tail with excitement and looks toward me for approval. "Good Boy!" I say. Now that Logan is getting bigger he gets excited when he puts his baby boy hands on Jabs fur and he smiles his silly baby smile. I really can't wait to watch this relationship of dog and boy grow and blossom. I can see it now, Jab keeping watch over Logan as he crawls all around the house. I see him being kind and gentle when Logan is learning to walk and uses Jab to help get himself up or stop from falling down.
I can't wait

A Boy and His Dog
Edgar Guest

A boy and his dog make a glorious pair:
No better friendship is found anywhere,
For they talk and they walk and they run and they play,
And they have their deep secrets for many a day;
And that boy has a comrade who thinks and who feels,
Who walks down the road with a dog at his heels.

He may go where he will and his dog will be there,
May revel in mud and his dog will not care;
Faithful he'll stay for the slightest command
And bark with delight at the touch of his hand;
Oh, he owns a treasure which nobody steals,
Who walks down the road with a dog at his heels.

No other can lure him away from his side;
He's proof against riches and station and pride;
Fine dress does not charm him, and flattery's breath
Is lost on the dog, for he's faithful to death;
He sees the great soul which the body conceals--
Oh, it's great to be young with a dog at your heels!


  1. Thank you so much! I love writting them. Although I stole this poem cause I totally loved it. It even brought a tear to Jeremy's eye.
