
More Bad News

We went and saw our Midwife on Thursday. Since we're only about 8 weeks away appointments are more often. Darlene said this is when we would really get to talking about our birth plan. So, it's getting very exciting.
Well, that's not what was in store for this appointment.
Darlene sat us down and said "So, I received the letter and report from Eastside Maternal Fetal Medicine (EMFM)". She then paused and looked at us as if we knew where this was going. She then cautiously proceeded, "So, I guess I will not be able to see you anymore. They won't allow you to labor with me. They won't allow you to give birth outside of a hospital".
It took me a second to register that these words were even coming out of her mouth. I looked at Jeremy and he was turning bright red. We moved closer together and he wrapped his arms around me as I began to sob.
According to Darlene the letter Dr. Direct (which I now know is Dr. de Regt but, who cares) indicated that we were already aware of this. Darlene thought she was telling us something that we already knew! I mentioned the umbilical vein in the last blog. Well, in that appointment the Dr said it was nothing.. nothing, blew it off. But, in her report she makes it out to be a big problem. The medical term for it is Persistent Right Umbilical Vein. It is a rare anomaly that causes the umbilical vein to connect with the right portal vein and the portal sinus therefore curves towards the stomach rather that away from it. The fetal gallbladder thus is placed between the umbilical vein and the stomach. PRUV may be due to teratogens, thrombosis, syndromic anomalies, and chromosomal anomalies in only about 20% of reported cases. In the remaining 80% it appears to be an isolated finding with no significance. But, if you lined up 100 pregnant ladies and told 20 there would be complications with there baby, that's pretty high odds. That's why we are now being labeled "high risk".
Her report went on to say "She also has not had a fetal echo cardiogram which we could arrange, mostly because she wouldn't be a candidate for out of hospital birth. I will plan echo at the time of scheduled 36 week appt next visit or if we should do it earlier to help arrange delivery plan, then she can be seen earlier."
Well, I called EMFM to tell them how I felt about Dr. de Regt and to make an earlier appointment for the echo. And guess what. The receptionist wouldn't reschedule it because the Dr wasn't there and she needed her permission! Was I not holding the report from the Dr that said we could do it earlier so I can arrange a new birth plan?
So, now I am stuck in this limbo. It's the weekend but, as soon as Monday rolls back around it's back to making phone calls. Back to researching hospitals, and who has the lowest c-section rate so my baby isn't yanked out through my belly. Back to worrying about things we won't even know until baby gets here like, if the hand is okay, and the heart, and if the baby has circulation issues. Back to trying to schedule an earlier echo somewhere else. Back to madness.

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