
Sleeping Arrangements

Since we brought Logan home from the Hospital he's either slept in our bed or in a bassinet next to our bed. I would've liked to do some more bed sharing but, I was more nervous about Jeremy in the bed then myself. He even accidentally elbowed Logan in the head one time. The bassinet was nice thou cause I could just sit up and see him right there next to me. Being able to make sure he didn't have blankets over his face and that he was breathing.
I didn't know when I would be ready to let him sleep in his own crib and his own room. It's such a comfort to have him within arms reach and to be able to just swoop him up and feed him right in bed when we're both tired.
Recently Logan got a little cold and the congestion had him up every 1-2 hours. Even after he was recovered he was still getting up frequently. Possibly because he still needed extra nutrients to get over his cold.
Also, he started moving and making a lot more little noises in his sleep which were constantly getting me up. When Daddy's alarm clock when off in the morning, that would get Logan up.
Finally I felt ready..I thought it might be time.. for both of us.. to let Logan sleep in his very own crib in his very own room.
The first night was rough! Not for Logan... for Mommy. I had a terrible dream that I left Logan home alone because one of my neighbors was gonna come over and check on him. But, the neighbor was gone and no matter what I did I couldn't get back home. I kept running into problems. So, I was calling everyone I could to see if they could go over and check on him. I finally made it home and my brother was kneeling over his lifeless body. I woke up in a panic. Threw the blankets off and ran into Logan's room. Picked him right up and held him and kissed him.

  How silly. Maybe I wasn't quite ready yet? The nights since have been great. He's been sleeping 5-7 hours before waking up for a feeding. We're both sleeping better and we're well rested and happy. I think it helps him too cause he's learning to comfort himself back to sleep. Making him a little more independent. In fact he's taken to sucking his thumb. I'm so proud of my big boy.

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