
To move or not to move....??

Us at our Current Rental House that we Love
 So, as I've already vented we're having some problems keeping up on our bills. Luckily our landlords have been pretty cool about it. However one can only be cool for so long when it comes to money.
  Jeremy's boss Dustin has a house very very close to the shop they work at. He has a house with a fully furbished basement. Recently it became available and he told Jeremy he'd like us to move in. It's the same size or bigger than our current place. 2 bedrooms a media room, kitchen, living, laundry closet, full bath, and fully fenced back yard. Also Dustin lives upstairs and has a dog himself. So, our pups could have fun playing together.

We currently pay $1000 a month for rent. Nothing included. Just rent. The basement would be $900 a month EVERYTHING included. W/S/G, heat, electricity, cable, Internet. It would save us upwards of $300 a month.

Our current place has old Berber carpet. The new place has brand new nice carpet. The media room comes furnished with a 62" tv, surround sound, and computer. I love our current kitchen so much. The new place has a much smaller kitchen than I'd like. With a half size stove.. I mean, we would literally have to cut Papa Murphy's pizza's in half to cook them.

Dustin and Jeremy work together and Dustin doesn't like the idea that we only have one vehicle and Jeremy takes it to work everyday, leaving me at home with the baby and no transportation. Dustin said him and Jeremy would commute to work together. Which would also save us some money on gas. Also, if Jeremy had short days he could take a work truck back home.

Lastly, I informed Dustin of our current rent situation and how understanding our landlords have been. Dustin said, not only would he also be cool and understanding and not do any late charges or anything.... But, being Jeremy's boss he would pretty much guarantee that Jeremy got hours so there wouldn't be a problem paying rent.

I'm on the fence. We already have storage issues, and this place has even less storage.
Moving sucks. Period. The next time we moved I was hoping to move to a larger place to prepare for a 2nd baby. Yet, the pro's are really good. Saving $300 + a month is pretty much our car payment. Plus, the bonus of more hours and carpooling to work......

I don't know what to do?

Any thoughts or advice??


  1. I think it sounds like a blessing. It's an offer I doubt you'll come across twice in your life. That said, I say go for it! :)

  2. I say go for it too! Moving sucks but i think its worth having $300+ in your pocket every month. I also agree with the one car thing, for a while we only had one and the days i was home without the car i always thought something was going to happen and i wouldnt be able to get to the doc or whatever...

  3. Thanks guys! We have decided to pro's definatley outweigh the cons. So, we're moving!! I couldn't sleep the last two nights and it's because I am actually really pretty excited to move! I haven't been able to stop thinking about decorationg the new place. There's also a lovely fireplace that I can't wait to use.
    And Lynnwood off 196th is so much closer to our friends and family. No one is down here in Seattle near us.
