
Catching Up

It's been a whole six months since I've written a blog! There's a few excuses as to why..the move, the being busy, the rebuilding old friendships and making new ones. And another reason is my journal. I found some of my old journals and I loved reading through them so much that I started journaling on old fashioned paper again. There's something to not have to filter and censor yourself as well.
But, I've decided to revisit blogging. I mean, it's the thing to do these days right? Logan is so talented and learning so many new things at this fun and amazing age it's nice to be able to share it with other people. Maybe I'll actually try not to censor myself so much?
Logan just turned 1. What a year it's been! I feel so privileged that not only have I been able to stay with him this entire year, he has also been breastfeed these whole 12 months. Now that he's one we're supposed to be able to introduce milk. But, Logan seems to have milk allergy so we need to see the Dr to see what we can do in place of milk. But, since I'm still not working or anything for now we're able to keep up on breastfeeding.

There might be some changes in the Betts family near future so stay tuned.